
ChaTech bridges the Chattanooga technology community to the networks, events, and resources needed for growth.

Our Mission

To foster innovation, collaboration, and growth within Chattanooga's tech community to create a thriving, inclusive, and economically impactful ecosystem.

Who We Are

ChaTech fuels Chattanooga's thriving tech ecosystem, connecting, inspiring, and equipping startups, tech professionals, students, and established organizations to shape the future of technology in our region.

We welcome organizations of all sizes and sectors. As a member, you'll gain access to exclusive events, resources, and a network of talent and leaders in the tech industry.

ChaTech's 16-county membership includes Jackson and Dekalb counties in Alabama; Catoosa, Dade, Murray, Walker, and Whitfield counties in Georgia; and Bledsoe, Bradley, Hamilton, Marion, McMinn, Meigs, Polk, Rhea, and Sequatchie counties in Tennessee.

As a 501(c)3 non-profit, we rely on the generosity of our members, sponsors, and donors. Your support enables us to continue our vital work, empowering the next generation of tech leaders and driving innovation in our region.

Strategic Initiatives

Ignite Tech Talent Growth

  • Our community's success depends on a thriving talent pool. We prioritize equipping individuals with the skills they need to succeed in the tech industry.

  • We foster a diverse, inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome and empowered to contribute their unique talents.

  • We partner with educational institutions, businesses, and community organizations to create a robust talent pipeline for Chattanooga's tech ecosystem.

Accelerate Innovation & Entrepreneurship

  • We champion innovation as the driving force behind Chattanooga's tech evolution. We cultivate an environment where new ideas flourish, and entrepreneurs can thrive.

  • We provide resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities to help startups and established businesses innovate and grow.

  • We advocate for policies and initiatives that support a vibrant innovation ecosystem, including access to capital, talent, and infrastructure.

Amplify Chattanooga's Tech Brand

  • We believe in the power of storytelling to showcase Chattanooga as a leading tech hub. We amplify the stories of our innovators, entrepreneurs, and community leaders.

  • We actively promote Chattanooga's tech scene on a regional, national, and global stage, attracting investment, talent, and partnerships.

  • We collaborate with regional stakeholders to build a unified and compelling brand narrative for Chattanooga's tech ecosystem.

Meet the CHATECH Team

Meet the CHATECH Board of Directors

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